Manufacturing Software for Industry 4.0 (EN)

Erfolg durch Wandel und Dezentralisierung.

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Manufacturing Software for Industry 4.0 (EN)

Erfolg durch Wandel und Dezentralisierung.

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Manufacturing Software for Industry 4.0

Industry 4.0 offers an unprecedented opportunity for transformational success, but companies must have plant floor software that is ready for that journey.

The fact that Industry 4.0 is already predicted means companies can prepare themselves now and the appropriate MES is pivotal in achieving that vision.

This White Paper defines a path to Industry 4.0, focusing on 4 different aspects:

  • Concept of Industry 4.0: enabling technologies, cyber-physical systems, ‘smart’ results
  • Benefits of Industry 4.0
  • Role of Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) in Industry 4.0
  • Path to the future: steps companies can take now to prepare for Industry 4.0

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