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How the MES alleviates electronics manufacturers challenges through better integration and connected orchestration.
MedTech’s that are using M&A as a strategic initiative need to consider data management integration to achieve Industry 4.0 transformation.
Medical device manufacturers face a unique set of challenges where data and its management are concerned from an Industry 4.0 perspective.
Medtech are not only in response to a temporary market shift, but reflect a fundamental change in the way supply chains and demand will perform in the future.
While there are clear areas of convergence in terms of end use and performance among some electronic wearables and medical devices, it is important for EMS providers to understand that when it comes to the manufacturing of health monitoring electronic devices, similar (or the same) regulations affect the way a manufacturing process is configured, documented and validated.
Predictive Maintenance becomes a strategic initiative in a highly complex, automated semiconductor fab. Predictive Maintenance equips process owners and maintenance personnel to proactively detect equipment-related issues before there is a breakdown, allowing owners to eke out the last bit of performance. Production and schedule adherence are protected, and unplanned stoppages avoided.
Electronics manufacturers feel the pressure to modify design functionality to account for component shortages. information silos prevent scaling and free flow of data from assembly lines to shop floor to enterprise, and then out to value chain partners.
The Pygmalion effect of expecting the best results can be a key to deriving the benefits of change in a company. Knowing the company’s own value chain, placing clear expectations internally and in-line with a future, more digital self, followed by choosing the right MES and driving results through capable, motivated leadership, will deliver a digitally transformed enterprise.
A truly Industry 4.0-enabled semiconductor fab needs more than a MES. It needs an IoT data platform, which encompasses the core MES functionality, but has the capability to unleash the potential of IoT through enhanced data storage and manipulation capabilities.