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The total cost of ownership of a multisite MES project is inevitably higher than that of a single site. What are the other challenges of rolling out an MES across multiple, global sites and how can they be overcome?
Before a multisite MES project can be undertaken, the potential business benefits of the MES program must be defined.
A multisite MES roll-out affects multiple stakeholders and processes. Although it is a complex system, this series of blogs will take you step by step through the challenges and opportunities it offers. It will explain the options available to you and how to create a pathway to implementation that fits with your business and wider strategic goals. It will provide you with the information and tools you need to start your journey to Industry 4.0 – explaining the mindset and approach that will ensure your success.
Most MES vendors offer off-the-shelf solutions and industry-specific functional coverage. Market guide put out by Gartner explores third party implementation providers for MES platforms and what companies need to look for in their implementation partner.
The five perspectives on your business process design that will help you prepare your operations for digitalization.
Electronics manufacturers feel the pressure to modify design functionality to account for component shortages. information silos prevent scaling and free flow of data from assembly lines to shop floor to enterprise, and then out to value chain partners.
How does one implement an MES across multiple manufacturing plants, separated not just geographically but perhaps by operational style, IT infrastructure, work culture, and process technology?
Establishing the need for an MES at the C-suite level is perhaps the first and most significant step in the long but highly rewarding journey of MES implementation. From that moment to the time an MES is deployed across the value chain, there will be a time lapse of at least 2 to 3 years.
It is only after the top management realizes the need to implement an MES, or to update the existing legacy system, that the MES project starts to take shape. With it comes complexity and fear of failure; so, to alleviate those fears, today we will explore ways in which you can ensure that your MES project is a success.