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Roadmap for future architectures and services for manufacturing in Europe

The Road4FAME’s vision was to develop a strategic research and innovation roadmap for IT architectures and services in manufacturing.

The project focused on architectures and services which facilitate agile and flexible manufacturing processes, ease interoperability in distributed manufacturing environments, support effective collaboration in context-aware enterprises, and provide the foundations for sustainable manufacturing.

The roadmap allowed aligning future ICT research with the defined needs of European manufacturing businesses and provided European manufacturing businesses with a useful reference to derive innovation strategies and identify novel business opportunities.

Road4FAME provided a foundation for unlocking the innovation potential of IT architectures and services for the manufacturing domain. The strategic research and innovation roadmap was:
– Identify research needs regarding architectures and services in manufacturing
– Align future ICT research with the concrete needs of European manufacturing businesses
– Outline the necessary steps to make novel paradigms and concepts work for European manufacturing businesses
– Provide manufacturing businesses with a useful reference to derive innovation strategies and identify business opportunities

This project started in June 2013 and ended in October 2015. Critical Manufacturing contributed with its recognized expertise in software solutions for the advanced manufacturing.

More info can be found here.

Road4FAME Consortium

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