Portugal AutoCluster for the Future


Portugal AutoCluster for the Future

PACPortugal AutoCluster for the Future

Project co-financed by:


Project Designation: PAC – Portugal AutoCluster for the Future

Project Code:  POCI-01-0247-FEDER-046095 ; LISBOA-01-0247-FEDER- 046095

Main objective: Strengthen research, technological development and innovation

Region of intervention: Norte, Centro, Lisboa e Alentejo

Beneficiary entities: SIMOLDES- PLÁSTICOS, S.A. (Líder)

Approval Date: 09-06-2020

Start Date: 01-07-2020

End Date: 30-06-2023

Eligible Cost: 7.998.174,16 EUR

European Union financial support: FEDER –  5.294.145,89 EUR

Project Summary

“PAC – Portugal AutoCluster for the Future” (PAC) Project, led by Simoldes – Plásticos, SA, is an incentive program, closely aligned with the Mobinov | “Cluster Automóvel Portugal”, which, through a set of activities with a high technological content, aims to address technological challenges identified in the national automotive sector, to leverage the competitiveness of entities in the national sector and their insertion (and prominence) in the international context. With the purpose of having a structuring effect on the value chain/ranks of the automotive sector in line with the anticipated evolution of the automotive sector, it was defined that the critical technologies to be developed, prototyped, tested and demonstrated within the scope of the Project PAC would focus on the following core areas:

  • Future vehicles architectures,
  • Future Interiors,
  • Future structures and exteriors,
  • Sensing and connectivity technologies,
  • Flexible and digital production technologies.

The PAC Project will bring together a set of skills specifically related with the technological challenges to be taken on, bringing together companies from the national automotive industry, entities from the Research and Innovation System (I&I) and representative entities (Technological Centers) with high technical knowledge of the automotive sector.

Project is promoted by a complete consortium formed by:

  • 9 business entities, with high technical-scientific knowledge that position themselves as users or producers of nuclear technologies, and
  • 12 non-business entities recognized for their strong Research and Development (R&D) skills in the identified core areas.

This program was structured for a duration of 36 months, foreseeing the involvement of more than 180 highly specialized resources (including 31 PhDs) and a total investment of approximately 10 Million Euros.


“PAC – Portugal AutoCluster for the Future” project has per general objective the development, testing and demonstration of a new generation of technologies – products and processes – that enable a new positioning of the national automobile cluster in the global future car value chains, taking advantage of the mobilization of multiple business partners and institutions of the scientific and university system, as well as the leadership of a national reference company – Simoldes – as a reference field for technological experimentation, demonstration and validation.

This project focus on the following technological areas:

  • Information and Telecommunications Technologies (ICT)
  • Automation and Robotics
  • Materials Technologies

PAC is a strategic project within Mobinov cluster for the export dynamics of companies by generating new critical knowledge through collaborative R&DT+I activities between companies and Non-Business Entities, which will further promote the competitiveness of such companies inside this cluster.

The promoting consortium consists of 9 companies, namely: Simoldes, Controlar, Critical Manufacturing, ERT, Microplasticos, Sakthi, SLM, TMG and Toolpresse and 12 non-business entities, CCG, CEIIA, CENTI, CITEVE, INEGI, INESC TEC, IPN, IPL, ISQ, IST, Mobinov and Universidade Aveiro, bringing together the technical and scientific skills for its development.

Planned Activities

The project comprises several activities that include Technical Management, Industrial Research, Experimental Development, and Dissemination of Achieved Results.

Expected Results

The product resulting from the project is aimed at the global market. The domains and knowledge to be developed within the scope of the Project will not only apply to the automotive sector but will be scalable to the entire mobility sector (which includes aeronautics, aerospace, railway and defence).

Results to be achieved within the scope of the project: success rate in terms of the technical-scientific results foreseen in the project: Medium/High (60% to 80%).